Instructions for submitting a BT/MT and applications for the SFE
The conditions for a student to be able to take the State Final Exam (SFE), in accordance with the timetable announced by the Dean, are as follows:
- Fulfill all study requirements of the study program – It is not necessary to confirm completion of studies – the FAI Study Department will forward to the secretariats of the institutes the lists of students who have fulfilled all study obligations (except for the credit for BT/MT, which the study program guarantor gives). The FAI Study Department will contact the student only if discrepancies in IS/STAG are found.
- Apply for the SFE by the deadline,
- Complete and print out the “Application for SFE“; according to the study program,
- print out and sign the application.
- Submit the Statement for the Bachelor’s Thesis / Master’s Thesis – fill, print out, and sign it. (The statement is also part of the template and must be inserted in the BT/MT).
- Submit your bachelor’s or master’s thesis for defense – store the electronic version of the BT/MT in IS/STAG. Detailed information can be found in the Preparation of BP/DP for submission.
- physical copies of the thesis are handed in only if the student decides to print the thesis outside the UTB Publishing House.
Everything must be submitted no later than on the day of the deadline for the submission of the BT/MT for the given study program at the secretariat of the relevant institute. Later submissions will not be accepted!
Once the Departmental Secretary has reviewed all of these requirements, they will enter the BT/MT submission date into the STAG system, and from then on, you will no longer have access to the BP/DP – i.e. the possibility of any adjustment to the work will cease to exist. Your access to the STAG system will remain unchanged.
You can read the Opponent Reviews (inserted by the Departmental Secretary) directly within the IS/STAG system.