Visit of Dr. Kongoli (FLOGEN, Montreal, Canada) at FAI
Dr. Florian Kongoli, CEO at FLOGEN Technologies, Inc., Montreal, Canada ( and president of the organizing committee of Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit (SIPS 2021,, organized by not-for-profit organisation FLOGEN Stars Outreach, visited on August 9-13 the Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
The main reason of his visit was to get acquainted with the workplace of Prof. Karel Kolomazník, who was suggested to be one of this year’s SIPS 2021 STARS, featuring Kolomaznik International Symposium on Materials Recycling Processes & Products (, held in his honour under the umbrella of SIPS 2021.

During his visit, Dr. Kongoli also met with the Rector of TBU in Zlín, prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D. At the end of the meeting, a bilateral partnership agreement was signed between Tomas Bata University in Zlín and FLOGEN, through which the two institutions agreed to cooperate with each other, including student and research /academic staff exchanges, preparation of joint research projects or joint organization of conferences. The press release issued by FLOGEN is available here ( Photo documentation from the visit is available here (

Dr. Kongoliʼs visit was realized within Internal project of TBU in Zlín “Support of International Cooperation for 2021” and under the auspices of the Dean of Faculty of Applied Informatics, Assoc. Prof. Milan Adámek.