List of professional activities offered by the Cebia – Tech Regional Research Centre
List of professional activities offered by the Cebia – Tech Regional Research Centre, Faculty of Applied Informatics, TBU in Zlín.
The Centre for Security, Information and Advanced Technologies (CEBIA-Tech) represents a dynamic opportunity for the further development of Research and Development activities in the Zlín Region in the fields of Applied Informatics, Security Technologies and Alternative Energy Resources. To a great extent, its organisational structure is largely covered by the Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
The Core Orientation of the Centre are:
- Grid Computing and Artificial Intelligence Applications
- Intelligent Production Systems
- Intelligent Buildings
- Embedded Systems
- The development of Small Mobile Data and Telecommunication Networks for Crisis Intervention units
- The development of a system for Detecting and Analysing Hazardous Substances Using THz Frequencies
- The development of Technical Procedures for the Protection of Electronic Systems Against Interference by External and Internal Electromagnetic Fields
- Alternative Energy Resources – Biofuels
Further, FAI offers access to using its laboratories, equipment and instrumentation; the measurement and testing of products; Research and Development activities, or professional advisory and consultation services.
List of professional services and contacts
Head: Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Vladimír Vašek, CSc.
E-mail:; Tel. 576 035 255
Web: Kontakt Cebia
- EMC Measurement in a Non-impact Chamber
- Terahertz Spectroscopy
- Raman Spectroscopy
- Atomic Forces Scanning
- Two-component 3D Printer
- Two-component Injection Machine
- Wear Measurement
- Impact Resistance Measurement using Impact Tests
- Liquid Chromatography
- Flue Gas Analysis