prof. Ing. Roman Prokop, CSc.
Department of MathematicsU51/307
Author identifiers
Prof. Roman Prokop is a professor in Technical Cybernetics and he teachs at the Faculty of Applied Informatics TBU in Zlín. He is the head of the department of Mathematics (since 2015) and vice-rector for life-long learning (since 2016). In the field of senior education he is the president (since 2016) of the Association of the Universities of the Third Age in the Czech Republic.
Prof. Prokop has been working in Zlín from 1995. During this years he had several posts: Vice-rector for Pedagogical Activities, Vice-dean for Pedagogical Activities, Vice-den for International Relations, Department Director.
His scientific domain is Automatic Control theory, esspecially Robust and Adaptive Control, Automatic controller tuning, Delay Systems.
Consulting hours
Monday 14:00-15:00 H2 FLCMCurriculum vitae
- 1971-1976 - Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague; Title: Ing. (MSc)
- 1978-1983 - Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Title: CSc. (PhD)
- 1996 - Technical University Brno, Faculty of Technology in Zlín; Title - Doc. (Associate Professor)
- 2004 - Technical University Brno; Title: Professor in Technical Cybernetics
Internships and study stays
- 1992-1993 - University of Birmingham, U.K., 6 study stay
- 1994 - Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 1 week
- 1995, 1998 - ENSIC - INPL Nancy, France, 3 months
- 1997 - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., study stay
- 1999 - LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France, stáž
- 2001 - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, 2 weeks
- 2011 - Yasar University, Izmir, Turecko - Erasmus
- 2012 – University of Catania, Italy – Erasmus
- 2012 – University of Peloponese, Greece – Erasmus
Process of employment
- 1976-1995: Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Chemical Technology in Bratislava, Department of Automatic Control; Post: Assistant Lecturer
- 1995-2000: Technical University of Brno, Faculty of Technology in Zlin, Process Control Department; Posts: Vice Dean, Associate Professor
- 2001-2004: Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Technology in Zlin, Institute of Information Technologies; Posts: Vice Dean, Associate Professor
- 2004-2009: Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Automation and Control Engineering; Posts: Vice Rector, Professor
- 2006-2014: (Posts: To 2010) Vice Dean, Professor, Faculty of Applied Informatics,Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Automation and Control Engineering; Post: Professor (2010 - )
- 2015 - present:Head of the Department of Mathematics, FAI, TBU in Zlín
- 2016 - present: Vicerector for life-long learning
Membership of expert organizations
- Czech Cybernetic Society, member since 2001
Membership of bodies
- Scientific Board of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, member since 2004
- Scientific Board of Faculty of Applied Informatics in Zlín, member since 2007
- President of the Association of Third Age University” in the Czech Republic
- Chair, “Engineering Informatics” Doctoral Studies Program Board, FAI, TBU in Zlín
- Member Doctoral Studie Progam Board, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Brno
Creative activities
Project outputs
Other publications